Pet Acupuncture Therapy

Traditional Chinese Veterinary Acupuncture is practiced to achieve balance and harmony by awakening the nervous system and body.

Where there is injury, pain or disruption, acupuncture can alleviate pain, expedite wound healing, support the immune system and more.

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Various acupuncture techniques are offered through PAC. Depending the type of injury or medical condition, the onset of concern and response to treatment, the following technique may be selected:

Dry Needling


Hemo-Acupuncture Aquapuncture


Treatment for Conditions

Joint Disease/ Arthritis

Inflammation/ Pain

GI Disease (Vomit/ Diarrhea)

Endocrine Disease (Cushings, Hyper/Hypothyroid, Diabetes, Infertility)

Liver Disease

Kidney Disease

Allergies/ Asthma/ Immune Support

Dermatology/ AlopeciaAnxiety/ Behavioral Conditions


Heart Disease


And more!

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